Sebastian Binder, getting flow from Cliché and Nike and representing Stil Laden, teaches us how to make potato goulash.
This simple, cheap and tasty meal, optionally vegetarian or vegan, is just another example on how to eat well and healthy while saving money. It’s also a very good recipe to feed a whole crew on a tight budget and with basic equipment.
Try adding variations and other ingredients to make it exactly to your taste.
Here is what you need to make it like Sebi:
- 1kg of potatos
- 1/2kg of onions
- 1 piece of garlic
- 1/2 bouillion cube
- 1 tbs of paprika powder
- 1tbs of marjoram
- 1-2ts of vinegar
- cumin (whole seed or ground)
- salt & pepper
- some sausage (optional)