Seattle is a freak show. Never before have we been to a city with more characters walking around than the Emerald City. Bohemians and bankers, nannies and trannies, feens with dreams and some of the most eccentric people you have ever seen. The heroin addicted teenagers of Westlake, the crackheads of Pioneer Square, the transvestites of Capitol Hill and the Suits of South Lake Union. It was almost like all of the weirdos and techies from your high school all decided to move to the same place. Obviously, this plays perfectly into the hands of a street photographer. The juxtapositions were endless and the fruit plentiful. Here is a selection of my top 40 photographs from Seattle. And to answer your question, I am not sure if that is weed or crack in homeboys pipe about half way through. He offered me some and I declined but I would like to think that he was only trying to pass the tree, not the C. Hope you enjoy and happy hunting!
Words and photos by Matt Phipps